Rainmeter Cpu Temp

Plugin=CoreTemp retrieves infromation from the CoreTemp application. The latest CoreTemp application must be running in the background.

To monitor temperatures, you will need to be running one of several 3rd-party applications, and then use a corresponding Rainmeter plugin to get the values from the application. There are two that are well supported in Rainmeter. Rainmeter CPU Temp and Usage Skins. 226 Recently added CPU Skins and Widgets for Rainmeter. Cloudy Rainmeter. Persona 5 Measures. Nov 23, 2019 To monitor temperatures, you will need to be running one of several 3rd-party applications, and then use a corresponding Rainmeter plugin to get the values from the application. There are two that are well supported in Rainmeter.

Note: If the value of the measure is to be used in a meter which requires a percentage, then appropriate MinValue and/or MaxValue options must be added to the measure.


Rainmeter Cpu Temp Not Working

General measure options

All general measure options are valid.

CoreTempTypeDefault: MaxTemperature

Defines the information to measure. Valid values are:

Core Temp


  • CpuName: CPU model name.
  • CpuSpeed: CPU frequency.
  • MaxTemperature: Current temperature of the hottest of all cores.
  • BusSpeed: FSB bus frequency.
  • BusMultiplier: Current FSB bus multiplier.
  • Vid: Voltage Identifier value.
  • Tdp: Thermal Design Power temperature.
  • Power: Current power consumption of the CPU.
    Not all CPU models support this value.

Rainmeter Cpu Temp Not Working


Rainmeter Cpu Temp Monitor

These option values use CoreTempIndex to define a specific CPU core.

Rainmeter Cpu Temp Hwinfo

  • Temperature: Current indexed core temperature.
  • TjMax: Maximum allowed indexed core temperature.
  • CoreBusMultiplier: Current FSB multiplier for the indexed core.
  • CoreSpeed: Current indexed core frequency.
    This is a calculation based on the BusSpeed for the CPU times the CoreBusMultiplier.
  • Load: Current indexed core usage as a percentage.
CoreTempIndexDefault: 0
Zero-based index of the core to measure. The first core is 0, the second core is 1, etc.
