Wires-x Software

WARNING! I recently found a non-US website that lists a number of messages as “WiRES-X” messages. They are not. They are “WiRES-II” messages. The two are incompatible. Introduced in 2002, support for WiRES-II was officially ended in 2017. The HRI-100 was used with WiRES-II.

The messages and codes below are those of WiRES-X PC software version 1.530 (current as of August 8th, 2020). If you see a different version listed, make sure you are looking at the right thing.

VOIP Wires-X connection kit: HRI 200 - $125 at HRO. Use ferrites on BOTH ends of the USB cable! Dedicated Windows PC 7/8.1/10 – varies from approx $199 and up – Consult the Wires-X Bible for optimization Wires-X software: free from Yaesu only runs on Windows machines Internet connection: ADSL 8 Mbps or more, global IP address. With WIRES-X, an amateur node station connected to the Internet and Interfaced to the WIRES-X HRI-200 unit can communicate using VoIP over long distances reliably. Software can slowly collect errors as it runs (and some software more than others). There may be memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc. That slowly corrupt the software until it no longer functions properly. It is recommended to restart WiRES-X periodically before these errors accumulate to a degree that the software no longer functions.

This page will attempt to deal with error codes as displayed on the WiRES-X PC software interface. CAUTION: These entries are user-submitted and are not official in any way. Interpret and use them at your own risk. Submitted entries must be accompanied by the submitter’s callsign, operating system and other pertinent information.



Wire x software download



*_*_* Call to Rejected No. (node number), In conf. *_*_* – LOG BOX 1

*_*_* Call to Rejected No. (node number) (Room connection) *_*_* LOG BOX 37

*_*_* Cancelled call in PDN standby *_*_* – LOG BOX 20

*_*_* Cancelled call to analog node or Analog & Digital room *_*_* – LOG BOX 6

*_*_* Can not accept own call *_*_* – LOG BOX 12

** Connect message: Digital transceiver frame response timeout – LOG BOX 23

Create Capture Buffer Failure code = 80004005 – LOG BOX 16

Digital PTT not ON recovery. One AMBE Out – LOG BOX 25

Digital PTT not ON reset. One AMBE Out – LOG BOX 27

Digital transceiver error reset code = 1030100 – LOG BOX 14

Digital transceiver error reset code 1040100 – LOG BOX 17

Digital transceiver error reset code = 1050100 – LOG BOX 5

Digital transceiver error reset code = 1050100 – LOG BOX 18

Digital transceiver error reset. code = 10E0C01 – LOG BOX 36

Digital transceiver error reset code = 11A0100 – LOG BOX 21

Digital transceiver error reset code = 1100100 – LOG BOX 33

Digital transceiver error reset code =1120100 – LOG BOX 4

Digital transceiver error reset code = 1240801 – LOG BOX 26

Direct Sound Create 8 Failed. Code = 88780078 – LOG BOX 32

** End sound: Digital transceiver frame response timeout – LOG BOX 22

Error: Connection Busy from XXXXX-XX (#####) – LOG BOX 34

Error: No answer from called PC * Disconnected * – LOG BOX 8

Error: No entry on ILS server * Disconnected * – LOG BOX 10

Error: Socket Communication Timeout – LOG BOX 7

Error: Socket Communication Timeout at call – LOG BOX 3

Error: Socket Communication Timeout at call – LOG BOX 13

HRI-200 Connect fail – WiRES ID Activation 3

List server response time-out – LOG BOX 11

*local host* ON AIR UNLOCK – LOG BOX 35

Not connect in room. Refresh failed. – LOG BOX 31

Not found the Audio device for the WiRES-X use – STATUS BAR 3

OFFLINE – Status Bar 4

ON Air Lock ON – LOG BOX 28


One AMBE Out – LOG BOX 2

(Other errors) – Errors in the User Monitoring Window 1

Return to room (____) last (____) count – LOG BOX 9

Server Access Error: “A connection with the server could not be established” – LOG BOX 19

Server Access Error: “The server name or address could not be resolved” – LOG BOX 24

Server or ID Not Found – WiRES ID Activation window 2

Transceiver communication device Removed. – LOG BOX 30

Transceiver not connected – STATUS BAR 1

Transceiver registration (reading Radio ID.) but nothing happens – WiRES ID Activation window 1

Transceiver TX Stop. Disconnect – LOG BOX 15

TX Timeout (over 3min). – LOG BOX 29

WARNING ! A connecting transceiver was changed from Simplex type to Repeater type. The WiRES-X software is rebooted in Repeater mode. – PAGE MIDDLE 3

WARNING ! A connecting transceiver was changed from Repeater type to Simplex type. The WiRES-X software is rebooted in Simplex (mobile transceiver) mode. – PAGE MIDDLE 2

WARNING ! Not found the Audio device for WiRES-X use. Please check the audio device and restart the WIRES-X application. – PAGE MIDDLE 4

WiRES-X ??????? – PAGE MIDDLE 1

WiRES-X cannot operate because unavailable transceiver setting. Please check transceiver setting. – STATUS BAR 5



1. Message: Transceiver not connect(ed)

Submitted by K1KC Date: August 19, 2019

Cause: The WiRES-X software is not reading the radio.

Solution: Since there is more than one cause, check these solutions: 1. Make sure the transceiver is in the WiRES-X mode. 2. Make sure the transceiver is an approved node radio. 3. Wait for the transceiver to power up and be recognized by the software. 4. Make sure the transceiver has power supplied and is turned on. 5. If the transceiver is a repeater, make sure the repeater is set to ‘RPTR+HRI Mode’.


2. Message: “ON-AIR LOCK” state.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: December 7, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Home V. 1909

Cause: The ON-AIR LOCK button was pressed during operation.

Solution: Press the LOCK button again to unlock.


3. Message: Not found the Audio device for the WiRES-X use.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: December 21, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Home Version 1909

Effect: No connection with the node radio was possible.

Cause: The PC did not load the audio drivers/devices for audio to pass between radio and computer.

Solution: (I’d like to say: ‘Strongly encourage Yaesu to adopt some other OS than Windows’). However, they have indicated that won’t be happening. Therefore, you must figure out how to do this. Until near the end of 2019, this was usually accomplished by a second re-booting of your Windows PC after an update. Now it has become more difficult. Good luck.


(another reporter): Submitted by: KN4VJR Date: April 12, 2020

OS: Windows 10 Home

Effect: No connection with the node radio was possible.

Cause: The computer does not have a microphone attached.

Solution: Do one of the options below and then restart the Wires-X program.

Option #1 – Install a computer microphone via the 1/8” microphone jack.
Option #2 – Connect a USB microphone.
Option #3 – Insert an 1/8” stereo male plug into the 1/8” microphone jack, the other end does not need to be connected. For example, a 1/8” Stereo male plug to a 1/4″ female adaptor worked for my setup. With this option, the computer for some reason thinks it is a microphone.
(For some reason the computer needs to see that a microphone is connected.)

(another user reports): Try updating the Realtek microphone driver.


4. Message: OFFLINE

Submitted by: K0HCV Date: February 8, 2020 OS: Windows __

Effect: No connection to the listserver.

Cause: Multiple causes. Anything that prevents an Internet connection to the listservers can cause this error. It can be caused by the listservers themselves being offline. It can be caused when you have no Internet connection (which can be either short or long-lasting). Recently it has been suggested that lack of port forwarding of Port 10080 for PDN’s may be a cause.

Solution: Check the obvious things when you get this error. Make sure you actually have an active Internet connection to your WiRES-X PC. This is probably the #1 fault. Secondly, it IS possible the listservers are unavailable, but that is not likely. There is some redundancy there and if they ARE unavailable, it probably won’t last too long. Listservers DO require updates themselves so there are times they go offline, and they go offline without notice. Sometimes nodes that are already connected will stay connected but nodes attempting to connect cannot. This situation resolves itself in time.

The latest finding that Port 10080 not being forwarded can cause an offline condition (to a PDN) is new to us. I cannot confirm or deny this, but it seems very plausible.


5. Message: WiRES-X cannot operate because unavailable transceiver setting. Please check transceiver setting.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: Aug. 8, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Effect: WiRES-X would not load properly.

Cause: The software did not like the transceiver settings for some reason.

Solution: This one is a little baffling. You may get this message when you are unable to actually make any changes to the transceiver setting…at least from the PC software. Most likely you will have to make changes from the transceiver touch screen or radio controls. If it is a repeater and you are operating on DC power, you may have to change to AC power to make any changes.




1. Message: *_*_* Call to Rejected No. (node number), In conf. *_*_*

Submitted by K0HCV Date: August 21, 2019

Cause: (Not determined yet)

Solution: One solution offered by Yaesu was to go to the PC software, under FILES, select SET DEFAULT, then OKAY. This returns the WIRES-X software to its initial state and shuts the program down. You will have to reboot.

2. Message: One AMBE out

Submitted by K0HCV Date: August 14, 2019

Cause: This error is believed to be caused by a non-Yaesu device such as a hotspot on the network, but this has not been confirmed.

Solution: We believe that eliminating the use of non-Yaesu digital devices may cure this issue. This has not been confirmed.


3. Message: Error:Socket Communication Timeout at call (see additional response below under #7)

Submitted (elsewhere) by G4OXY

Effect: No audio, intermittent traffic, timer would start running for reason

Cause: RFI on frequency

Solution: Increase squelch level setting, separate antennas or do whatever is necessary to reduce RF in affected receiver

(Another report) – Same error message but the user was having trouble staying connected to a room. RFI once again appears to have been the cause.

Submitted by: K1KC (with thanks to WA4ASI) Date: May 20, 2021


4. Message: Digital transceiver error reset code = 1120100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 4, 2019 OS: Windows 10

Effect: No WiRES-X operation

Cause: Power was removed from node radio

Solution: Restore power to node radio


5. Message: Digital transceiver error reset code = 1050100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 4, 2019 OS: Windows 10

Effect: No WiRES-X operation

Cause: Node radio was turned off or power was removed to node radio

Solution: Restore power to node radio


6. Message: * – * – * Cancelled call to analog node or Analog & Digital room * – *

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 5, 2019 Updated March 1, 2021 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: PDN would not connect to room

Cause: PDN was in PDN mode (digital only) and room called was in Mixed Mode, OR, node called was in analog mode.

Solution: Change PDN to HRI mode from PDN mode


7. Message: Error: Socket Communication Timeout

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 6, 2019 OS: windows 10 Pro

Effect: Communications with previously connected node or room lost

Cause: The previously connected node or room went offline. Apparently there is an exchange of ‘heartbeats’ or ‘pings’ or ‘keep me on the list’ packets between the listserver and your node while you have connections. If part of this exchange is missed or dropped, the system may think you are not available and cause a communication timeout error. This will usually self-correct but a manual reset does not hurt.

Solution: (Depends on your desires) Manually re-connect to node or room if it comes back online and if you do not have ‘Return To Room’ enabled, or connect to another node or room.


(another reporter): It has also been suggested that it is an issue with your Internet Service Provider. Your ISP may think that too much activity is taking place on that TCP/IP port.

Comment: I believe it is true that ISP’s frown upon what they consider to be commercial use on a residential connection, however, the amount of data flowing because of a WiRES-X is probably not that high. On the other hand, if the connection never ‘cycles’, that is, goes off occasionally, it may be suspect. I get those timeout errors from time-to-time, but their cause is not obvious. Reboots of the computer and less often, reboots of the modem become necessary. Those errors amazingly become very common when Windows 10 has downloaded an update and wants me to install it.


8. Message: Error: No answer from called PC * Disconnected *

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 6, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: Self-explanatory: the node you called did not answer

Cause: The node you called was offline at the time. Cause #2: Corrupted data may prevent the ‘calling’ node from reaching the ‘called’ node.

Solution: Try again when node/room appears in the active list. Solution #2: On at least one occasion, the calling node got this message, but was successful after rebooting the calling node. It was a known fact the ‘called’ room was active and was receiving other clients at the time. So, if these conditions apply, try rebooting the calling node.


9. Message: return to room (______) last (____) count

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 6, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: The WiRES-X PC software attempted a ‘return to room’ call

Cause: Your software is set up to return to a specified room when able

Solution: The software will attempt (up to 10 times) to contact the specified room. If unsuccessful, no more attempts will be made. You will see the results in the Log Box


10. Message: Error: No Entry on ILS Server * Disconnected *

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 7, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: No connection was made to the called node or room

Cause: The called node or room was not in the active nodes/rooms lists because it is offline, therefore the listserver cannot direct your request

Solution: Request connection to an online node/room or wait until the desired node/room comes online


11. Message: List server response time-out

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 27, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: No connection to the listserver was made

Cause: The listserver was offline or there was no Internet connection

Solution: Check your Internet connection or wait for listserver to come back online


12. Message: * – * – * Can not accept own call * – * – *

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 28, 2019 OS: Windows 7

Effect: No connection to any node was made

Cause: The connection attempt was made to your own node, that is, the node tried to call itself

Solution: Call a node or room other than the one the call is being placed from


13. Message: Error: Socket Communication Timeout at call

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 28, 2019 OS: Windows 7

Effect: Connection to node/room was dropped (if it was ever established)

Wires-x Software

Cause: All necessary ports were not open. When the “Node control” port is open, but no others, the software on both ends may show a connection, however, no nodes will populate the Connect ID Window of the calling node with the single open port. The Connect ID Window of the called node/room will display the calling node name until the connection is dropped. No audio or other info is passed. The ‘apparent’ connection will cancel itself in approximately 40 seconds

Solution: Make sure all ports are open or wait for self-cancellation


14. Message: Digital Transceiver error reset. code = 1030100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: November 08, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: WiRES-X operation interrupted

Cause: This seems to be another case of an error code indicating loss of power to the node radio

Solution: Maintain power to the node radio


15. Message: Transceiver TX Stop. Disconnect.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: November 08, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: WiRES-X PC software lost connection to node radio

Cause: Probably caused by digital cable to node radio getting disconnected. This can also be caused by entered a change request of the USER ID while in WiRES-X.

Solution: That ought to be self-evident!


16. Message: Create Capture Buffer Failure code = 80004005

Submitted by: K1KC Date: June 26, 2019 OS: Windows 10

Effect: W10 denied WiRES-X access to the microphone. In other words, local-to-Internet and Internet-to-local audio traffic would not pass.

Cause: Regular Windows Update

Solution: Instruct W10 to allow microphone access to the WiRES-X ‘app’. In some cases, simply rebooting the computer will re-establish the presence of the microphone input.


(another reporter): Submitted by: KN4VJR Date: April 12, 2020 OS: W10

Effect: The audio would pass from the Internet to the Radio but, the audio would not pass from the Radio to the Internet. Pressed PTT on FTM-400XDR, talked, but not audio would pass to the internet.

Cause: The Window’s 10 setting “Allow desktop apps to access your microphone” was turned “OFF”.

Solution: Turn Window’s 10 setting “Allow desktop apps to access your microphone” ON.


17. Message: Digital transceiver error reset code = 1040100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 3, 2019 OS: Windows 7

Effect: WiRES-X operation was interrupted

Cause: Power was removed from transceiver

Solution: Do not remove power from transceiver while in WiRES-X operation. When external PS is plugged in, WiRES-X operation will be interrupted even though a battery is installed.


18. Message: Digital transceiver error reset code = 1050100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: July 25, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Home

Effect: Briefly locked WiRES-X and knocked FT-2D into PDN Standby mode from PDN Direct mode

Cause: Switching between internal and external power supply for FT-2D

Solution: Do not change power supply while in operation or, be prepared to take FT-2D out of PDN Standby mode each time.


19. Message: Server Access Error: “A connection with the server could not be established”

Submitted by: K1KC Date: November 14, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Effect: No lists were populated and therefore, no connections could be made. In this particular case, only PDN’s were affected.

Cause: The listserver was out of service for an unknown reason.

Solution: In this case, moving to an HRI-based node would solve the problem, but this may not always be the case. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the listserver comes back online.


20. Message: * – * – * Cancelled call in PDN standby * – * – *

Submitted by: K1KC Date: November 20, 2019 OS: Windows 10-1903

Effect: Lists would not populate and no connections were possible in the PDN mode.

Cause: The node radio was in ‘PDN Standby’ mode.

Solution: Place node radio in ‘PDN active’ mode by correct method for that radio.


21. Message: Digital transceiver error reset. code = 11A0100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: November 20, 2019 OS: Windows 10-1903

Effect: WiRES-X lists did not populate

Cause: Connection to the node radio was lost, probably due to radio being powered off.

Solution: Re-power radio or do not interrupt power to node radio.


22. Message: ** End sound: Digital transceiver frame response time-out.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: December 7, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Home V. 1909

Effect: Audio discontinued?

Cause: Most likely because ON-AIR LOCK was engaged and audio stream was interrupted.

Solution: Disengage ON-AIR LOCK.


23. Message: * * Connect message: Digital transceiver frame response time-out.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: December 17, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Version 1909

Effect: The node disconnected from the room it was connected to.

Cause: Although the node appeared to be connected to a room, it likely was not. Attempts to transmit would light up the “Internet” button but no activity was shown in the connect ID Window from the node in question.


Solution: Re-boot WiRES-X PC software. Make sure the correct USB audio codecs are listed as audio input and output.


24. Message: Server Access Error “The server name or address could not be resolved”.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: December 18, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Version 1909?

Effect: WiRES-X did not connect to the listserver.

Cause: The most likely cause is that you did not have an active Internet connect at the time WiRES-X booted and attempted to contact the listserver.

Solution: Make sure you have an active Internet connection before booting the WiRES-X PC software. Of course, you can always connect afterwards.


25. Message: Digital PTT not ON recovery. One AMBE Out.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 3, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Other operating conditions: This happened on a PDN operating in the HRI mode.

Effect: No audio was heard (temporarily) even though active nodes and gateways were shown (in green) in the Connect ID Window. No audio was received from two or three separate transmissions. Eventually, audio began to be received in the middle of one of the transmissions.

Cause: The cause is unknown, especially since more than one station transmitting was affected (as it appeared to me). The error message is cryptic but may give us some clue. ‘One AMBE Out’ may refer to one of the stations coming in via a non-Yaesu device, perhaps a YSF reflector. I mention the YSF reflector because the room I was connected to was also connected to a YSF reflector.

As to what ‘Digital PTT not ON recovery’ means, I cannot say. Perhaps it is a warning that your node will not yet transmit….I don’t know. We do not have access to error codes from Yaesu so we have to work them out for ourselves. It may also mean: Digital PTT not ON………….(now in) recovery. It may also mean that a digital PTT device was not ready when the system attempted to recover from an error. In the latest case, the node radio (a repeater) was stuck in transmit.

Solution: My best advice here is to wait out the issue. If you cannot, power down the offending node and then power back up again. I have had both situations occur.


26. Message: Digital transceiver error reset code = 1240801

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 10, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Effect: WiRES-X operation was interrupted.

Cause: It may have been caused by an analog node attempting to connect which caused a Transceiver TX stop error.

Solution: In this case, the node returned to the room it was previously connected to because the Return To Room function was in effect. No action was needed on my part.


27. Message: Digital PTT not ON reset. One AMBE Out

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 10, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Effect: Apparently WiRES-X stopped operating briefly until it recovered on its own.

Cause: Without better information, it is believed that an analog or non-Yaesu device attempted to connect.

Solution: No action on my part was necessary. The node recovered on its own.


28. Message: ON Air Lock ON

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 10, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Effect: The WiRES-X program was temporarily blocked from operating.

Cause: The program received a transceiver error reset message. Best guess is that it was related to a non-Yaesu or analog device.

Solution: The node recovered on its own through the Return To Room function.


29. Message: TX Timeout (over 3min).

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 20, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Effect: The transmission in progress was cancelled.

Cause: You talked too long. WiRES-X has a fixed limit of three continuous minutes of transmission.

Solution: If you need to talk longer than three minutes, unkey and reset the three minute timer.

Wires-x Software


30. Message: Transceiver communication device Removed.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: March 22, 2020 OS: Windows 10 Home V. 1909

Effect: There was no Internet transmission of data or audio.

Cause: Apparently this can be caused by powering off the node radio while the PC software is still running, however it may be a little more complex. It could be that the mode (say from PDN mode to HRI mode) was changed during the power down.

Another cause seems to be removal of power or data to an HRI-200 connected to the transceiver.

Note: This error also occurred when power was removed from the node radio (repeater in this case). Power had been removed because the repeater appeared to be locked in transmit.

Solution: The problem self-corrected after one failed transmission. In the case of the HRI-200, restoring power and/or data corrected the problem.


31. Message: Not connect in room. Refresh failed.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: April 29, 2020 OS: Windows 10 Pro V. 1909

Effect: No refresh of GM stations occurred in the GM ID Window.

Cause: This may have been because there were no GM Members. This was related to the node functioning as a GM node. When doing this, the Connect ID Window is replaced by a ‘GM Window’ that looks very similar to the Connect ID Window of a room. This node was operating as a PDN and did not have an HRI-200 attached. Needless to say, I have a lot to learn about GM operations!

Solution: Unknown at this point.


32. Message: Direct Sound Create 8 Failed. Code = 88780078

Submitted by: K1KC Date: May 26, 2020 OS: Windows _____

Effect: A node operating with an HRI-200 failed to pass audio past the HRI-200 on to the node radio. The audio jack of the HRI-200 was monitored so the last point of successful audio transfer was known. The node radio was operating in Access Point mode. Although the node radio was keying up, no audio was passed.

Cause: The suspicion is that a Windows update altered the audio path but this is not confirmed. Not enough information is known about this issue yet as this is second-hand info. The operator later reported that a DG-ID code was improperly set.

Solution: The operator changed from HRI-200 operation over to the PDN function. This solved the problem for the meantime but did not really answer any questions as to what caused the issue. It sounds like an internal sound card issue within the WiRES-X PC. Assuming the DG-ID code mismatch was the issue, make sure all DG-ID codes for your system match.


33. Message: Digital transceiver error reset code = 1100100

Submitted by: K1KC Date: May 27, 2020 OS: Windows_____

Effect: PC software lost connection with the node radio.

Cause: Unknown, but is usually caused by a cable or by incorrect settings on the node radio.

Solution: Check cable against a known good cable (they do go bad) and check node radio for proper settings.


34. Message: Error: Connection Busy from XXXXXX-XX (#####)

(a) Submitted by: K1KC Date: July 8, 2020 OS: Windows

Effect: Your node was unsuccessful in connecting to a node or room.

Cause: Under certain conditions, you cannot connect to a node or room when traffic is occurring. Another cause might be that you are in the wrong mode (analog vs. digital) or are attempting to call the underlying node (and it is blocked) instead of the room.

Solution: Without being able to observe when the desired node or room currently has traffic, it becomes a ‘hit or miss’ operation. You can only make repeated attempts to connect, hoping to catch a lull in the action.

Make sure you are in the correct mode (analog vs. digital) for the room you are attempting to contact. Also make sure you are not attempting to contact the underlying node when you are actually trying to reach a room instead.

(b) Submitted by K1KC Date: February 22, 2021 Windows 10

Effect: You were connected to a room and then got disconnected OR, you attempted to connect to a room and got this message.

Cause: It is now known that this message can be caused by a room owner adding your node to his/her ‘reject list’.

Solution: Well, either the room owner must remove you from the reject list or you must go elsewhere.


35. Message: *local host* ON AIR UNLOCK

Submitted by: K1KC Date: Aug. 8, 2020 OS: Windows 10

This seems to simply be a message denoting that the ON AIR lock was unlocked by the local host, in other words, your WiRES-X PC.


36. MESSAGE: Digital transceiver error reset. code = 10E0C01

Submitted by K1KC Date: October 6, 2020 OS: Windows 10

Wires X Download For Pc

Cause: For some reason the transceiver was prevented from transmitting and was disconnected. The ON AIR LOCK was engaged. The ON AIR LOCK remained locked until the transceiver was re-detected and the Return To Room function completed. What caused the disconnect? Who knows?

Solution: This problem self-corrected.

Discussion: Why are there so many different ‘Digital transceiver error reset’ codes? We do not have an official answer. Perhaps the conditions that existed at the time of the error are coded into the error message. It could be that a problem in the data stream caused the problem and the error code describes that problem, but we do not know for sure. I have catalogued 9 separate such codes so far.


37. MESSAGE: *_*_* Call to Rejected No. ##### (Room connection)*_*_*

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 27, 2021 OS: Windows 10

Effect: You attempted to connect to a room but were unable and you received this message.

Cause: This message is generated when you attempt to contact a room from your node but the ‘Round QSO Room connection’ box is unchecked.

Solution: To clear this issue, go to Files>Settings>Property>Call settings, and recheck the Round QSO Room connection box.




1.Message: A small box with this: WiRES-X


Submitted by K1KC Date: September 11, 2019 (Updated 12-01-2020)

Cause: Indeterminate (It may have been caused by a keyboard entry it did not recognize). The unrecognizable keyboard entry theory seems to be supported by a second experience. No harm was done.

Solution: The error resolved itself apparently.



2.Message: A medium-sized box with “Warning” in light grey in the upper left-hand corner with a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it will appear. It will read as follows:

A connecting transceiver was changed from Repeater type to Simplex type. The WiRES-X software is rebooted in Simplex (Mobile transceiver) mode.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 6, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Cause: A repeater node was changed from Repeater + HRI to Repeater.

Solution: This is simply a warning to let you know the status of the software has changed. If you wish to swap modes, you must turn off the repeater, hold the DISPLAY button down while turning the power back on until the display lights up, at which point you release the DISPLAY button. You will then be prompted to choose REPEATER + HRI or REPEATER. Choose REPEATER + HRI if you want to get out of Simplex (Mobile transceiver) mode. * SEE NOTE BELOW *


3.Message: A medium-sized box (as noted above) will appear. It will read:

A connecting transceiver was changed from Simplex type to Repeater type. The WiRES-X software is rebooted in Repeater mode.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: October 6, 2019 OS: Windows 10 Pro

Cause: A repeater node was changed from Repeater to Repeater + HRI.

Solution: Follow the instructions of the example above except choose REPEATER if you want to get out of Repeater + HRI mode.


NOTE: These actions simply link, or unlink a repeater from an HRI-200. The message warns you which mode has been selected. The linking or unlinking is not physical…it is virtual as the CT-174 (or whatever) cable may still be attached. The repeater cannot be used for WiRES-X operation in the REPEATER mode.


4.Message: A medium-sized box with “Warning” in light grey in the upper left-hand corner with a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it will appear. It will read as follows:

Not found the Audio device for the WIRES-X use. Please check the audio device and restart the WIRES-X application.

Submitted by: K1KC Date: February 4, 2020 OS: Any Windows OS

Cause: The Windows PC did not detect an audio device for incoming (microphone side) audio.

Solution: One solution is to plug the correct plug into the microphone jack of your PC. However, this is conditional upon your PC even HAVING a mic jack. Some computers do not. The plug that you insert into the mic jack (assuming you have one) does not need to be a working microphone. It simply has to be the correct style plug. This should enable the incoming audio of the PC.

Some people have had success using a USB audio adapter when no mic jack is available. This cues the PC that an audio path is available. In some cases (particularly the loss of the mic function after a Windows update) the mic function can be restored by rebooting the PC. This may even take a number of reboots.

There is suggestion that the cause of this error has to do with the default audio device being disabled before an update. This actually makes sense and you may want to remember to re-enable that path before any update. Don’t forget to return to USB Audio Codec (recording AND playback) afterwards though.

NOTE: Thanks to W5SLG, WC4FM and W4DEL for assistance with this issue. Also, why does Yaesu not use a small ‘i’ when printing WIRES-X ? This is their idea, not mine!



1. I have noticed a number of errors over the years in the User Monitoring Window, specifically where it says “DOWNLINK”. Some of those errors include: (callsign)SPOT, (callsign)E, (callsign)SB, (callsign)T, (callsign)SN-RPT, (callsign)KO, (callsign)CT and other errors which I will try to catalog. I did notice that certain errors occurred identically when a particular station transmitted. This is over WiRES-X of course.

No particular Operating System was in use. I do not know the cause of these errors. In fact, they threw me for a loop when I first saw one. I thought someone had hijacked my callsign or monkeyed with my system. Most likely they are data errors of some type, introduced at some unknown point. I will continue to research this.

If you have pertinent information on this, or any other error code, please feel free to submit it to us for publication.



1. When trying to activate a WiRES-X registration, or re-activate one, you may get the message that reads “Transceiver registration (reading Radio ID), but then nothing happens….the radio ID does not auto-fill. This has happened to me and the SCU-20 cable was eliminated as the cause. Also, there was no SD card in use, eliminating that possibility as well.

Wires-x Software Setup

The control head and all other cables worked fine so, apparently the radio itself has developed an issue. This occurred on a Windows 10 machine running Version 1909. Submitted by: K1KC Date: 3-2-2020

Wires-x Software Windows 10

2. When attempting WIRES ID activation you may get this message: “Server or ID Not Found”. ‘Server not found’ means the listserver was not reachable, and therefore the activation could not be resolved. ‘ID not found’ means the database did not match your entry or that there was no entry at all for the information you inputted. It may not be obvious however, which one of those conditions the error message refers to. In one case we know of, the answer came in the form of failure of the active nodes and active rooms lists to populate. They should go ahead and populate if the ID is not found. But, if the server is not found, then that’s an indication that the server is not found.

3. HRI-200 Connect fail. You would get the idea that this means the PC was unable to connect with the HRI-200, however, this message can appear, then disappear before the HRI-200 serial number is read. Further investigation leads us to believe this means that the HRI-200 was unable to connect to the listserver. Supporting that claim is the premise that the PC would not even know an HRI-200 was involved if it were not reading the HRI-200. Additionally, if the PC reads the HRI-200 serial number, then you pretty much know the message means the HRI-200 is failing to connect to the listserver, not the PC.

General Operating Issues:

One such issue is that of the repeater hanging up in transmit with no way to stop it other than to power it down. This is particularly dangerous if the repeater is running high power or is driving an amplifier. What causes this?

It has been suggested by several that being in analog mode, or being in AMS and receiving an analog signal makes this more likely to happen. I thought so myself but I have also seen it happen in pure digital mode. So what is the cause?

If operating in WiRES-X, could it be the failure to receive an EOT (end of transmission) packet? Well, not likely since mobiles could often fail to reach the repeater, but that’s RF we are talking about. What then if it is an online issue?

This occurred to us tonight and we are trying to determine the cause. It seemed to have originated from a node connected to the WiRES-X room that the repeater is associated with. The node owner reported poor Internet connectivity at the time this happened. So could it in fact be a failure to receive an EOT packet?

Determining the answer is difficult since we were pretty sure analog operation was involved. We thought an analog RF signal while in AMS was causing this issue, but that did not seem to be the case at all tonight. The end result was the same: the repeater hung up and would not time out.

Could there be a flaw in the software that bypasses the WiRES-X TOT? There is definitely a problem and many have dealt with it. Any suggestions you have are welcome.


There are many unanswered questions about WiRES-X error codes and likely will continue to be. No reference material is available from Yaesu (that I am aware of) to help us with these issues. Therefore, we are left to our own device as to their interpretation. That means our interpretations could be valid, or they could be WAY off. We just don’t know. Like any science experiment, we observe the manifestations and make calculated judgements based upon the operating parameters and cryptic codes presented to us.

Wires-x Software

If you have better information than what is presented here, then by all means, we’d love to hear about it. Here are a few more guesses: When the error message contains the language “error code = ________”, the error codes themselves could indicate a certain set of conditions that existed when the error occurred. Why would the code for an identical error have a different error code? Perhaps to indicate different operating parameters at the time. Or, does the error code emanate from the listserver and have some connection to the operating conditions of the listserver itself?

“One AMBE Out”. We would really like to have an official explanation of this cryptogram. As best we surmise, it relates to one device being a non – Yaesu device, or even perhaps an analog (non-vocoded) device.

Some of these messages are pretty much self-explanatory and simply inform you what happened. For instance: ‘Cannot accept call to own room’ or ‘Cancelled call in PDN Standby’ or ‘Cancelled call to digital & analog room’. Those are straightforward. Others however leave us without a clue. We don’t even have a good idea sometimes from what part of the system the error originated. Consider that at one end is your node radio, your PC and your Internet connect. Next there is the Internet itself. Next there is the listserver. And lastly, there is the other node. At any of those points an error might occur. You get a cryptogram for an explanation. Not very helpful.

Wires-x Software Updates


Using the WIRES-X Portable Digital Node function, you can operate a WIRES-X digital node station by directly connecting a compatible C4FM digital transceiver with a Windows PC. (The HRI-200 Internet interface kit is not needed in PDN and no fixed or dynamic global IP address is required. But if you want to have your own Wires-x room, you will still need the HRI-200.)

There are two operating modes of the WIRES-X PDN (Portable Digital Node) function:
1. Portable Digital Node Mode capable of Internet communication with digital stations.
2. Portable HRI Mode capable of Internet communication with both digital and analog stations.

Two forms of WIRES-X Access are supported, 'Direct Operation' and 'Access Point'.
1. In 'Direct Operation', the Portable Node station transceiver is used only without transmitting or receiving local 'On Air' radio signals.
2. In 'Access Point' the Portable Node station can be used to communicate 'On Air and relay nearby local C4FM digital transceivers, while simultaneously connected with the Internet rooms and nodes.

[DISCLAIMER/NOTICE: This is NOT an official Yaesu guide. I just created this guide to help fellow hams set-up their own nodes easily. I'm not an expert. Most of the content are collated from different official Yaesu and Wires-x manuals and literature. You may access them directly at the Yaesu official website and YouTube videos.] - 73 Rom DU1YQ


  • 1.0 Wires-x ID registration
    • Register your C4FM radio/s at the Yaesu Wires-x website so you can have your own node ID.
    • C4FM radios that you can use to activate your own Wires-x node are FT2-DR, FT3-DR, FTM-100, FTM-300, FTM-400.
    • Other C4FM radios such as FT-991a, FTM-7250, FTM-3207, FTM-3200, FT-70DR can only access the Wires-x nodes and repeaters via RF. They can't be used as node radios.
    • Click here to register your C4FM radio.
    • Look for the link at left column named “WIRES-X ID registration”. Send/submit your email address. You will then receive an email from Yaesu with additional instructions on how to complete your registration.
    • Wait for a few days to get your node/room ID numbers via email.
    • Save your node/room IDs for future reference.
  • 2.0 Internet and Computer preparation
    • Recommended internet connection is via WIFI/LAN cable. WIFI would work but in my experience, LAN cable gives you steady internet connection
    • Recommended speed is 8mbps or faster (high speed connection recommended)
    • Basic computer requirement: Windows 7/8.1/10, HDD 1GB or more, RAM 2GB or more, Full speed USB, display resolution 1366 x 768 or higher.
    • Any computer running Windows Operating System can be used for this set-up - USB Stick, Tablets, Desktop, Laptop
    • First, download and install your SCU-19 or SCU-20 driver. DO NOT plug-in your cable if you haven't installed the cable driver first. You'll encounter errors if you do that.
    • Your SCU-19 and SCU-20 drivers are found in the Yaesu product page, click on Files tab and download the correct drivers.
    • Install Wires-x software (Latest version is 1.530 - as of 24 March 2020).
    • Check on 'Enable WIRES-X Auto Start' if you want to automatically launch Wires-x upon startup in Windows.
    • Go to your Device Manager and check if you can see your SCU-19 or SCU-20 driver. You should see the 'Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM)' .
    • Disable your anti-virus programs, Windows Defender, firewall.
    • Restart computer.
    • Your computer is now ready.
  • 3.0 Radio preparation
    • Check/verify if your radio has the latest firmware.
    • If your radio's firmware is not updated yet, please update to the latest version. Go to Yaesu website, product page -- Files tab, then download/install the latest version. See example for FT-3DR:
    • Connect cables:
      1. Connect radio to your computer using SCU-19 (for FT-2DR, FT-3DR).
      2. Connect radio to your computer using SCU-20 (for FTM-100, FTM-300, FTM-400)
    • You will need the following cables to connect your radio to your computer - SCU-19 or SCU-39 for FT2/3-DR and SCU-20 or SCU-40 for FTM-100/300/400.
      For FT-2DR, FT-3DRFor FTM-100, FTM-300, FTM-400
    • If you want to Rx/Tx digital and analog stations, you need the SCU-39 or SCU-40, they are basically SCU-19 & SCU-20 with audio cables.
    • Start your radio in PDN or Portable HRI mode.
    • For FTM-100/300/400 portable HRI mode: Press [DX] + [GM] + Power, Wires-x logo is displayed on the LCD screen

    • To swith or toggle between Direct Access and Access Point modes, please press A/B.
  • 4.0 Setting-up the Wires-x software
    • Open the Wires-x software.
    • You will be prompted by this screen (see below). You should see your C4FM radio's serial number auto-populated in Serial Number box. Input your Node/Room ID (from your email from Yaesu). Click ID entry. The remaining blank fields will be auto-populated with your basic information. Click Okay.

      If you don't see your C4FM radio's serial number auto-populated in the 'Serial No.' box, please check/reinstall your driver, make sure that it's properly configured. In most cases, problems are from bad driver installation and/or Windows computer.

    • Configure Transceiver section: Select 'RX:DIGITAL - TX:DIGITAL' from the dropdown menu. Set your desired frequency VHF/UHF. Select Power to Low (if you're just using it at home) or Medium (if you want to use it as an Access Point with an external antenna).
    • Configure Settings:
    • Wires ID Information: You may change your 'User ID', just click on 'User ID Change', add comment, click Confidential if you want to hide your ID, select QSL exchange if you're into digital QSL card exchanges, add comment or other info.

      Location Settings: Add your station location, click on 'Show position data'.

      Call settings: Check on the desired options, add a default Room ID for your 'Return to Room' field (Your node will always go back to that room when your connection with other rooms are inactive.)

      General settings: Very important! Check on 'Unlimited TOT' (time-out timer)

  • 5.0 Launching Wires-x
    • Open your Wires-x software
    • Decide whether you want to run a PDN or Portable HRI mode:
      1. Portable Digital Node Mode (PDN) capable of Internet communication with digital stations.
      2. Portable HRI Mode capable of Internet communication with both digital and analog stations
    • Start the transceiver in special/Wires-x mode:
      PDN: Press and hold the [X] key, [BAND] key and the POWER switch to turn the transceiver ON. PDN is displayed on the LCD screen.
      Portable HRI: Press and hold the [X] key and the [BACK] key simultaneously, while turning the radio ON.
      PDN: Press and hold the [DX] key and the POWER switch to turn the transceiver ON. PDN is displayed on the LCD screen.
      Portable HRI: Press and hold the [DX] key and the [GM] key simultaneously, while turning the radio ON.
    • Decide whether you want to access the Wires-x network via 'Direct Access' (Talk using PTT directly) or 'Access Point' (Your node becomes a 'repeater' and you have to access the set frequency using another C4FM radio via RF) mode. Press A/B to switch/toggle between Direct Access and Access Point modes.
    • Here's a screenshot of a successful Wires-x PDN set-up connected to a Wires-x room (Ex: Philippine-Link #43534, C4FM only room). Feel free to connect to Philippine-Link #43534 to experience Yaesu System Fusion & Wires-x by design.

    Congratulations, you are all set! Enjoy Wires-x!

Random Notes/Tips:

  • HOTSPOTS (mmdvm, pi-star, openspot, etc) WILL NOT connect directly to the Wires-x network and rooms. Some Wires-x rooms have GATEWAYS, BRIDGES & REFLECTORS (Ex: FCS-xxxx, YSF-xxxxx) and only those rooms can be accessed by hotspots.
  • YSF reflector (or bridge) found on pi-star/hotspots is not Wires-x.
  • Restart your computer and radio after every update, change of settings, upgrades.
  • You OWN your Wires-x room. You are free to use it in whatever way you want - activate/deactivate, share with others/use as private. Your traffic is not monitored.
  • You can change your Room name or User ID anytime you want. You can even change your name to Special Event Callsigns (Example: DX1PAR was DX0STAYHOME at one point due to Covid-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon Island, Philippines).
  • FT-991a can connect to C4FM (System Fusion) via RF only. It can't be used in digital mode as a node or room but it can be set-up as an analog node.


Official Yaesu link:

Official Wires-x manual:

DU1YQ C4FM Presentation at the Philippine Amateur Radio Association's (PARA) 2019 Anniversary:

Thank you very much.73

Email: du1yq@hamradio.ph; Facebook: YQ DuONE